PS. Write Soon!
How to follow up with past clients and stop the hustle
You wish you could work with amazing clients you love–without going through the vetting process again and again.
Fully-booked designers have a secret: your past clients are your future clients. A simple follow-up email can create thousands of dollars in additional revenue.
You can end the perpetual hustle by creating a plan to give your clients the best experience possible while also filling up your project load.
PS. Write Soon is a self-lead course that creates a plan to end the hustle, fill up your dry months, and give you better word of mouth.
This is a straightforward, dummy-proof, brief, and highly actionable course on how to make the most of your past and current clients easily so you spend less time marketing and hustling.
Life after PS. Write Soon
- You have ten new projects on your books from much-loved past clients (who were waiting for you to call!)
- Your quiet months are now busy with work
- Your past clients love that you keep in touch with them and rave about it to their friends
- You get more new clients in the door
There's so much value in this course! And to think I thought I was a client management guru. I really love the ideas and especially the scripts that Erin provides in P.S. Write Soon.
Your Instructor
Hi, I’m Erin.
I help web designers make more money without working more.
Not so long ago I was like you. Working constantly. Answering phone calls from clients on Sunday mornings. Staying up late to meet deadlines. Dragging my computer with me on vacation. Constantly checking my phone. Checking emails at my own damn wedding.
It took me several years to figure it out: that I didn't have to chase every shiny object, do all the things, or even hire a team to run a successful business.
By getting clear on my own unique vision of success and cutting out everything in my business that wasn't moving me in the right direction, I was able to scale my business to over six-figures a year, while working less than 20 hours a week.
Through my courses and programs, I have helpedover 15,000 creative entrepreneurs scale their businesses while cutting their work hours. But more importantly, I've helped them get clear on what success means to them, and design their business to help them reach their vision of success as quickly as possible.
I want to help you too.
StartWhy keeping clients is awesome (2:23)
StartSet the foundation (3:37)
StartAdding value and keeping them coming back (4:23)
StartOne-Month follow-up (3:36)
StartThe friendly follow-up (3:08)
StartThe sales follow-up (2:17)
StartBONUS: Another reason past clients are the best clients (1:23)
StartOther ways to stay in touch (5:07)
StartGet it scheduled! (1:41)
StartBONUS: Add the emails to ConvertKit
StartWrap up (1:05)
Before taking PS. Write Soon! I was struggling with how and when to follow up with clients; now I feel confident in my follow-up process and can't wait to bring clients back for my new services.